Upati Madhavaiya

Department of Biochemistry, Sri Satya Sai University of Technology and Medical Sciences, Sehore, India

  • Research Article   
    Amino Acids Excreted in Urine of Diabetic Patients Compared to Normal Individuals
    Author(s): Upati Madhavaiya*

    The high prevalence, chronicity, incurable nature and long term implications on health care and health care costs have made Diabetes Mellitus a major cause of concern for patients worldwide. Therefore it is important to diagnose this disease as early as possible and maintain good control, so that the psychosocial implications, morbidity and mortality of this disease, which seriously erode the quality of life, can be prevented or reduced to a reasonable extent. The present study supports the reported relation that exists between the glycemic control of Diabetes and urinary amino acid losses, even in those who are under treatment. The metabolic significance of losses of amino acids being incurred in Diabetes can be considered as an index of prognosis of the disease. Chromatographic method of detection of amino acids is easy to perform, economical and has a good patient compliance, as on.. View More»

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