
Vivek Nimboor1 , Kavita Nimboor2

Since first true herniorrhaphy was performed by Bassini in 1884, all modification and surgical techniques have shared a common disadvantage that is suture line tension. The anatomic, physiologic and pathologic characteristics of inguinal hernia recurrence were examined. The prime etiologic factor behind most herniorrhaphy failures is the suturing the structures together under tension which are not normally in opposition. With the use of modern mesh prosthetics, it is now possible to repair all inguinal hernias without distortion of the normal anatomy and with no suture line tension. The study aims at evaluating the efficacy, safety and outcome of tension free hernioplasty for inguinal hernia in patients admitted during January 2007 to December 2012 at a tertiary care hospital in north Karnataka. A total of 277 cases diagnosed as inguinal hernia were studied, the results of the study revealed that the technique is simple, rapid, less painful and effective with zero failure rate and allowed the patient for resumption of early physical activity. The results were evaluated for its safety, and effectiveness.
