Bhola Kumar Singh1
BACKGROUND: Suicide is among the top three causes of death among youth worldwide. Hanging is among the most common modes of suicide.
OBJECTIVES: The purpose of this prospective study is to determine the Suicidal hanging in urban youth and determine the prevalence of suicidal hanging in our community.
METHODS: In this descriptive, prospective, cross sectional study, all patients who presented to the department of emergency medicine with suicidal hanging during this study period of 12 months from January 2010-December 2011 in. were included
RESULTS: Total number of males in the study is 32 (64%), females in the study is 18(36%). Mean age of the youth was 22.50±8.15(SD) years, Male 18.50±12.15(SD) years, Females 20.50±5.25(SD) years; predominantly the patients were in the age group of 22-26 years. Number of male smokers in the study was 26 (81.25%) female smokers were 4(22.22%), number of male alcoholics were 27(84.37%) whereas female alcoholics were 6(33.33%), number of patients with pallor in males were 16(50%) whereas females with pallor were 12(66.66%), number of males with skin changes were 6(18.75%) when compared to females who had 8(44.44%) skin changes, number of males wit oedema were 4(12.5%) and 6(33.33%) of females had oedema, the mean weight among males were 48±8.34kgs when compared to females which was 42±6.56kgs. Most of the patients who attempted suicide had varied personality issues from mood disorders to psychosis.
CONCLUSION: There is significant percentage of patients who attempt suicide by hanging.