Study of Thyroid Function in Alcoholic Liver Cirrhosis and Its Correlation with Child Pugh Score


Sanjay Neeralagi1 , Praveen N.2 , Anil Kumar3 , Chethan T. L.4 , Geetha5 , Sathish R.6

BACKGROUND Liver plays an important role in the metabolism of thyroid hormone. Hence, thyroid dysfunction has been reported in various liver diseases and is dependent on the severity of liver disease. We wanted to study thyroid dysfunction in patients with alcoholic liver cirrhosis and it’s correlation with Child Pugh (CTP) score. METHODS 110 patients with alcoholic liver cirrhosis were included in the study. CTP score is calculated and classified into class A, B and C. Prevalence of thyroid dysfunction was calculated and its relationship with CTP was noted. RESULTS In the study 3.6%, 5.5%, 13.6% and 77.3% were overt hypothyroidism, subclinical hypothyroidism, sick euthyroid syndrome and euthyroid respectively. Higher the child pugh score, higher will be chance of patient having hypothyroidism. CONCLUSIONS Thyroid dysfunction is an important part of spectrum of chronic liver disease. Patients with chronic liver disease should be evaluated for thyroid dysfunction periodically.
