
Mean Platelet Volume, Predictors of Ischaemic Stroke, Severity of Stroke based on Rankin score.

BACKGROUND Stroke is one of the major healthcare problems; the third leading cause of death in developing countries and the leading cause of long-term disability. The Mean Platelet Volume (MPV) is one of the commonly used laboratory markers in relation to platelet functions. Some studies detected an increased MPV in different subtypes of brain stroke, both in the acute phase and long after disease. Higher mean platelet volume (MPV) values have been established in patients with acute myocardial infarction but very few studies have demonstrated association between platelet size and ischaemic stroke. Mean platelet volume has been identified as an independent predictor of the risk of stroke among high risk individuals with a history of prior cerebrovascular disease. MATERIALS AND METHODS This study will be conducted in R.L. Jalappa Hospital, Kolar in patients of 2 groups. Group 1 (cases) consists of patients with ischaemic stroke patients and group 2 (controls) consists of non-ischaemic stroke cases who fulfil inclusion and exclusion criteria. A comparative cross-sectional study comprised of 50 cases and 44 controls. Blood samples were taken to measure MPV, and the severity of ischaemic stroke was assessed by the Modified Rankin scale. RESULTS The ischaemic stroke patients had significantly higher MPV compared to the control group. Mean Platelet Volume among cases was 9.69±1.58 and among controls was 5.85±1.30. There was significant difference in mean platelet volume between two groups. The MPV value was higher and more significant in patients’ group with higher scores in Rankin scale (P3) in comparison with those with lower scores. In the study area under the curve was 0.956. i.e. it was close to 1. Hence MPV was significantly predicting stroke subjects. CONCLUSION Increased MPV is related to acute cerebrovascular stroke. Also, the MPV can be considered as a simple, cost-effective and meaningful laboratory markers test for early detection and risk stratification of cerebrovascular stroke.
