
Sanal Mohan1, Sahni D. K2, Lijin Radhakrishnan3, Unnikrishnan T4

Chronic Suppurative Otitis Media (CSOM) refers to a chronic inflammatory condition of the middle ear and mastoid cavity.
There is acute inflammation of middle ear leading to irritation and then inflammation of the mucosa producing oedema.
Breakdown of the epithelium causes ulceration subsequent infection and formation of granuloma/granulation tissue. Granuloma
formation leads to the development of polyps in middle ear. Factors influencing development of complications are, age, low
socio-economic status, virulence of organism, immune compromised host, previous surgeries, fractures, fistulas,
cholesteatoma. The complications developed spread through various modes like direct bone erosion, thrombophlebitis,
preformed pathways, congenital bony defects, sutures of skull that remains patent, old fractures-heal by fibrosis, defects
caused by surgery, oval and round windows, infection from labyrinth. The extracranial complications which can be encountered
in chronic suppurative otitis media are, acute mastoiditis, petrositis, facial nerve palsy, labyrinthitis and discharging sinuses.
Sample size for the present study was fifty four. This study was done in the Department of ENT, Travancore Medical College,
Kollam. This study was done from January 2015 To January 2016. Detailed clinical history was taken and the clinical
examination was conducted. The extracranial complications were noted and reported.
In the present study, maximum number of cases belonged male sex which was thirty eight cases. Sixteen cases belonged to
female sex. Maximum number of cases which amounted to forty one in number belonged to age group zero to twenty years,
followed by age group twenty to forty years which amounted to eleven cases, followed by age group forty to sixty which
amounted to two cases. No cases were reported in age group more than sixty years in our study. Based on socioeconomic
data, maximum number of cases belonged to low socio-economic group which amounted to thirty nine cases. Nine cases
belonged to middle class and six cases belonged to high socio-economic group. Based on extra cranial complications, twenty
one cases presented with acute mastoiditis features, nineteen cases presented with discharging sinuses. Eight cases presented
with features of petrositis, four cases presented with features of labyrinthitis, and two cases presented with facial nerve palsy.
In this study it was noted that usually the poor who suffer, may be because of financial constraints, lack of health care facilities
or general neglect on the patient’s part. Maintaining proper hygiene and early treatment can reduce the number of
complications in such cases.
