
D. Sridhar Reddy 1 , J. Bhupender Singh Rathod 2 , K. Srinivas 3 , Ruchima Dham4 , P. Swetha 5 , A. Shoban Babu 6 , K. Nagaraj 7 , P. Kumuda 8

Thyroid disorders (TD) are endocrine disorders which are commonly encountered in the ENT out-patient department these days. These cases usually present with solitary neck swelling. In the present study done at Government ENT Hospital, Hyderabad we have selected 100 cases of only Solitary Thyroid Nodule (STN) over a period of 2 years from September 2013 to August 2015. AIM Aim of this study is to find out the incidence of thyroid disorders in general population which required surgical intervention, and to find out the incidence of thyroid disorders in relation to age and sex. To find out incidence of thyroid hormonal status in cases of STN and correlate the findings of FNAC, SQUASH and final HPE report of these patients. MATERIALS AND METHODS The present study has been conducted by utilizing cases admitted and managed in the Department of ENT at Govt. ENT Hospital, Hyderabad over a period of 24 months from Sept 2013 to Aug 2015. Cases presented with only Solitary nodule were included and malignancies and multinodular goiter are excluded. RESULTS Incidence of thyroid disorders in general population which requires surgical intervention is 0.11%. Peak age of incidence is between 30 to 50 years i.e. 60%. Mean age of presentation is 37 years. There is a female preponderance with M:F ratio is 1:6.14. Majority of the patients are euthyroid. The correlation between FNAC, SQUASH and HPE report is around 96%. CONCLUSION The following conclusions are: The incidence of thyroid disorders in general population is increasing and in our study shows it as 0.11%. Solitary nodule of thyroid is more common in females (86%) and the incidence is rising in males (14%) M:F 1:6.14. Solitary nodule of thyroid is more common in the age group of 20-50 years and the mean age of presentation is 37 years. Most of the solitary thyroid nodules are benign (79%) after final HPE report. Most of the patients with solitary nodule of thyroid are in euthyroid (94%) state. The correlation between FNAC and SQUASH is around 97% in our study. The correlation between SQUASH and HPE is around 98% in our study. The correlation between FNAC and HPE is around 96% in our study
