Shruti Padmakar Shirwadkar1, Rahul Radhesham Waghmare2, Priya Singh3
An 11-year-old female child came with the presenting complaints of intolerance to light in right eye since one month following a blunt trauma with mobile phone. She had no other systemic illness at presentation with no history of any ocular allergies or use of any medications. On presentation her best corrected visual acuity was 20/40 in right eye with upward chin lift. Further slit lamp examination showed a small scar measuring 3 mm x 1 mm in superior part of cornea with iridocorneal touch at the same point. On examination of iris, 6 mm x 7 mm fluid filled cyst cavity with well-defined margins 6 mm below superior limbus from 12 ‘O’ clock to 1 ‘O’ clock with iris pigments and vessels seen superiorly over the cyst, fluid was partially turbid on retro illumination. The cyst was covering approximately half of the undilated pupil. No sentinel or intrinsic vessels was seen within the cyst with otherwise normal pattern of iris. The intraocular pressure was 16 mmHg with applanation tonometry. Fundus findings were normal. UBM showed right sided iris cyst measuring 4 x 3 x 2.5 mm with thick walls. A preoperative anterior segment OCT confirmed similar findings.