Shobhana S. S1, Jagadeesh N2
ABSTRACT: Head injuries are among commonest of regional injuries, it results in gross or subtle structural changes in scalp, skull and or contents of skull produced by mechanical forces, it is the major contributor of deaths due to assault, fall and transportation accidents. The incidence of head injuries is growing with great mechanization in industry and increase in high velocity transport. Correct interpretation of head injuries is of great importance in providing proper treatment in living victim. It is also important for the purpose of accurate reconstruction.1 In depth studies of fatal head injuries provide valuable data for implementing effective services to reduce the trauma, related mortality and to strengthen legal measures. Data in the current study was collected from the autopsy reports of medico legal cases brought to Vydehi hospital and from police information forms 146 (i) and (ii) of all fatal head injuries from the period of September 2006 to February 2011and also from the cases of fatal head injuries that were brought for medico legal autopsy at Vydehi Hospital mortuary during the period of March 2011 to August 2011. The study concluded that most common cases were those of RTA, most of the deaths proved to be immediately fatal within period of 1 hour following incidence, cause of death that were given in majority of cases was that of shock and haemorrhage as a consequence of injuries sustained.