J. Evid. Based Med. Healthc., pISSN- 2349-2562, eISSN- 2349-2570/ Vol. 4/Issue 26/March 30, 2017 Page 1501 A CROSS SECTIONAL STUDY ON THE PROFILE OF FOOD ALLERGY AMONG PATIENTS WITH CHRONIC URTICARIA IN KERALA


Venugopal Panicker1, Shajahan Purathel Sulaiman2

Skin allergy in the form of urticaria is commonly encountered. Food allergy is one of the common aetiologies responsible for this clinical situation. Identifying the offending allergens and avoidance is one of the most important measures which may help in the management of skin allergy. Skin prick test is one of the most reliable and safe method of identifying food allergens.
This study was conducted to identify the skin sensitivity to various food allergens in patients with chronic urticaria and to study the regional pattern of food allergy in Kerala. 100 atopic patients with complaints of chronic urticaria were selected for the study. Skin prick allergy testing with 30 food allergens were performed in the above patients by skin prick test method.
98% of patients with chronic urticaria had some form of food allergy. Common offending food allergens were wheat (28%), garlic (22%), ground nut (20%), cashew nut (18%), prawns (17%), ginger (16%), peas (12%) and black pepper (10%).
Food allergy is common in chronic urticaria. Skin prick test is a reliable and safe method to identify food allergens. Most common offending food allergens were wheat, garlic, ground nut, cashew nut, prawns, ginger, peas and black pepper.
