
Somashekhar Virupaxayya Hiremath, Shahejan Chimansab Nadaf

BACKGROUND Uncommon in other animals, abdominal wall hernias are common surgical problems. They are leading cause of work loss, disability & sometimes lethal too. Investigations are required for fitness for surgery and to rule out the causes of hernia and other diseases Surgical repair is the choice of treatment for any type of any groin hernia. There is no medical management. Aims & objectives 1) To reduce the incidence of recurrence of groin hernia repairs. 2) Immediate surgical intervention of absolute indications for groin hernia. 3) Early intervention for relative indicated groin hernias repair including idiopathic cause. MATERIALS AND METHODS Cases of groin hernias admitted in Karwar institution of medical sciences. Karwar, a tertiary care government hospital, from January 2016 to December. 2016 have been taken for this study, a total of 101 cases consider for study. RESULTS 39.60% of the groin hernias was noted in the age group of 51 to 70 years. Male preponderance is noticed, that amounts to 77.22% affection of hernia being more on right side. 58 out of 101 cases in our study is 57.42% whereas indirect inguinal hernia is common occurrence in 52 patients out of 101. That leads to 51.48%. Acquired hernias are most common that is 97 cases of out of 101. Incidence being 96.03%. CONCLUSION In our study 101cases of hernias where taken for the study named as Groin hernias admitted in KAIMS Karwar all the 101 cases have been admitted in our hospital and operated, there is no question of conservative management, for all the case of acquired hernias mesh-plasty has been done, only 4cases of congenital hernias have been operated and only herniotomy done. Male preponderance of affection of hernias is noted in the study and that is 77.22% & right side indirect inguinal hernia is most common & acquired hernias are most common in or study. All the cases are operated most of them are from rural areas with low social economy status. Some of the complicated hernias have come to us due to negligence and illiteracy.
