Analysis of Reasons for Discarding Blood and Blood Components in the Blood Bank of a Tertiary Care Hospital - A Seven Years Study


Navyashree N.1 , Prakash V.B.2 , Vijay Shankar S.3

BACKGROUND Transfusion of blood and its components has a vital role in managing emergency conditions. Hence, it is important to maintain the quality of blood and also at the same time manage its quantity, so that the requirement of patients is fulfilled with minimal or no wastage of blood and blood products. The present study was conducted to find out the main causes for discarding whole blood or blood components and its frequency. We also wanted to analyse what can be done to minimize wastage. METHODS This retrospective study was done in the blood bank of a tertiary care hospital and data was collected with the help of records from the year 2013 to 2019. Reasons for discarding blood or blood components was observed and analysed. RESULTS Out of 13068 blood units collected, 1300 were whole blood, and the remaining 11768 blood units were made into components: 11768 packed red blood cells, 11768 fresh frozen plasma and 1995 units of platelet concentrate. Among them 2389 (8.9%) units of blood and blood components were discarded. Platelet concentrate was having highest discard rate of 56.7%. Expired units formed the major reason for discarding units (84.97%). CONCLUSIONS Blood and blood components should be utilized judiciously to minimize wastage. Stringent guidelines have to be followed such as use of advanced software in blood bank to alarm near expiry units, proper scheduling of blood donation camps, use of apheresis technique and using sensitive tests to detect transfusion transmitted infections.
